Rocky Wirtz Made George McCaskey Look Good
A frustrated and unprofessional Rocky Wirtz lashed out at two reporters during a town hall meeting Wednesday night. The reporters asked how the Blackhawks organization was going to ensure the safety of players from abusive staff in the future, in light of the Kyle Beach fiasco, in which he was sexually assaulted by a former Blackhawks coach.
Congratulations Rocky you did what I thought could never be done. You officially became more hated than a McCaskey in Chicago. What an accomplishment. I couldn’t believe it. Like I really had to make sure I was hearing what I was hearing out of Rocky Wirtz’s mouth Wednesday night. Two professional journalists asked the owner of the Chicago Blackhawks legit questions about what the organization was doing to protect players going forward from being violated like Kyle Beach was. A legit question that many Blackhawks fans… excuse me YOUR FUCKING CUSTOMERS want to know. The response by Wirtz was abysmal.
“We’re not going to talk about that,” he angrily bellowed, his voice quivering as his anger rose. “We’re not going to talk about Kyle Beach. We’re not going to talk about 2010. We’re not going to talk about the past.”
We’re not? Why not Rocky? We talk about 2010 all the time when it’s about how the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup for the first time in my lifetime. We talk about 2010 when we state how it was the year that brought the Blackhawks a more diverse fanbase than they had at any other time in their history. We talk about it when we talk about how great the parade and celebration were for the champs. But we can’t talk about the… quiet everyone… RAPE OF KYLE BEACH and how we’re never going to allow anything that grotesque to happen again?
Get the fuck outta here Rocky and go sit your ass down somewhere. We used to admire you because you weren’t your dad. We used to admire you as you were a man of the people, sitting with the fans in the lower bowl of the UC cheering on your team. We used to admire you for finally doing the prudent thing and putting Blackhawks home games on TV. We used to admire you for being a civic leader. Now this is what you’re becoming, an old, angry prude and a stereotypical out of touch billionaire? Or has this always been you and you just had a great image control person to keep you out of the limelight?
It is time for you to go, so progress can be made. Ironically, that’s exactly what it took the last time. While I’m not wishing death on Rocky or anyone else for that matter, I’m definitely demanding CHANGE at the top and that starts with Rocky. You will be just fine without the Blackhawks as we all know your family makes their money from the beer distribution deals. So, move on and enjoy however many years left of life you have in your body.
Don’t be that old preacher who won’t retire, even though he has five assistant pastors he mentored ready to take the helm as the congregation continues to dwindle. Your congregation is dwindling Rocky, as evidenced by the $6 tickets that were available to the game an hour before puck drop as you were in the midst of your rant. Danny has been primed to takeover, so let him do it. It shouldn’t take your death for him to be in the driver’s seat. You’re now old and obviously out of touch and all you did tonight was embarrass your organization and perhaps more importantly, your family. The way you cut Danny off when he attempted to intervene was perhaps the most embarrassing part. You pulled the “I’m your father card,” and I felt bad for your son.
“I can pick up too, what we are doing today, and I think,” was a far as poor Danny got before his father cut him off like he was Sandman Sims from Showtime at the Apollo.
“No, that’s none of your business. What we’re going to do today is our business. I don’t think it’s any of your business.”
Who are you now, Kenny Williams, telling people to “stay out of White Sox business,” Rocky? Well guess what Rocky? We gonna stay all up in your business now. Wanna know why? Because that’s what a fucking reporter does. We represent the public interest. We represent your customers by mostly asking questions that they want answers too. Yeah, there are some in our ranks who shouldn’t be there, but Mark Lazerus and Phil Thompson are some of the best and they didn’t deserve what you did to them and you owe them and your customers an apology. And I’m not talking about some chicken shit apology that was written by your PR people. There should be one done in public with the same intensity as your acts of disrespect were.
In the past I’ve written about how the Blackhawks could have done right by Beach by allowing the young man to come to the UC for “One First Skate,” in addition to whatever was reached in the settlement agreement. It would allow the Blackhawks faithful, many of themselves who are sexual abuse survivors, the opportunity to give him a round of applause and show their support for him. It takes a lot of bravery to come forward like he did and by doing so he may have helped countless others. Give us a brave young man to applaud versus a cowardly old one who yells at reporters that we now despise.
I got news for you Rocky, yelling at the press is the same as yelling at your fanbase. Fans won’t take too kindly to that act of unprofessionalism. George “may not know a lot about football,” but he knows who allows him to have a luxury lifestyle. He only yelled at Olin Kreutz. Oh wait, he’s a media member too.