Looney Lori Loses the Locker Room
Ohio native Lori Lightfoot has been an utter failure and embarrassment as mayor of Chicago.
Blackhawks Coach Jeremy Colliton lost his job due to poor performance. Bears Coach Matt Nagy could be gone as early as Monday for the same reason. Hopefully Chicago Mayor “Looney” Lori Lightfoot will be shown the door in 2023. Chicago’s mayor has not only lost her mind, she’s lost the support of the citizenry. Much like Nagy and Colliton had lost the people they were supposed to be leading, Chicagoan’s from all walks of life think their mayor is an idiot. Even those who voted for her have lost faith in her tough gal tactics, which have only alienated her from the city we all love.
In all fairness, Chicago voters did this to themselves, I mean they did put a woman with no political experience in office. But that’s okay we all make mistakes, but Looney Lori might be the biggest election mistake in the history of Chicago, and that’s saying a lot.
Here is why I call her a lunatic: Lightfoot gets along with… well let’s see, NOBODY! All she wants to do is fight. With a Napoleonic mindset, it is as if she thinks because she is a short woman, that she has to prove she is tough 24 hours a day seven days a week. She fits all of the traits of schoolyard bully, only she’s not that tough and nobody is afraid of her, which is kind of important if you want to be the bully. So whose lunch money does she think she is taking? Let’s take a quick look at people she has had public dust up’s with since her tenure began in 2019… shall we.
1. Toni Preckwinkle Cook County Board President
2. Kim Foxx Cook County State’s Attorney
3. Alderwoman Jeanette Taylor (who I wanted to whup that ass)
4. Alderman Byron Lopez
5. The Fraternal Order of Police
6. The Chicago Teachers Union (2019)
7. Black community activists
8. The Chicago media
9. The City Council’s Black Caucus
10. The Chicago Teacher’s Union again (2022)
I learned while a student at Olive-Harvey College from Professor Howard Gordon back in the 90’s that politics is: “the art of COMPROMISE” and that power is “getting people to do things that they normally would not do on their own.”
Lightfoot has failed miserably at both of these points. Her style of leadership is “do what I say because I said so.” That does not fly in Chicago. If you want to be a successful mayor in this city, you have to build community alliances, political coalitions, business relationships and have some connection with the citizens, even the local gang chiefs. Lightfoot has done none of that since her time in office.
She just skipped straight to the getting people to do things they wouldn’t normally do part, which is like trying to scramble an egg without breaking its shell.
She was already working from a disadvantage as Mayor not being from Chicago to begin with, and never having been elected to an office. She has no understanding of the city’s culture. She has approached her job like she is still a federal prosecutor, instead of being a communicator, unifier and problem solver. Instead of surrounding herself with people who know the city and how to get things done and actually LISTENING to their counsel, she has done the opposite, brought in people from the outside and not heeded the wisdom of those who were trying to school her.
Let’s keep it real, former CPS CEO Janice Jackson didn’t leave what she called “her dream job” for no reason. She left because she couldn’t take any more looney orders from Lightfoot. Mrs. Jackson is too classy to come out and say that, but we all know that’s what it was. When your boss doesn’t take your advice and then sends you out there to communicate the bad news to the masses to try and save face, who could blame Jackson for moving on.
Talking about her lack of communication skills, Looney Lori has cursed out alderman, after they had the nerve to criticize her for the lack of a police response to the riots in 2020. Been childishly sarcastic when Ald. Maria Hadden voiced concerns about how police were treating protestors. Called people names, referring to one alderman as a “jack ass” and called a city official a “dumb, dumb person of color.” All proven, according to her own text messages that were acquired via a Freedom of Information Act request by the Chicago Tribune. Her answers to questions from the media have been quite evasive when she is asked for details on some of her grandiose plans, like reducing crime and providing more low-income housing. She has been an utter disappointment and failure on every level.
One of her biggest mistakes was not putting people in her inner-circle that represented all segments of Chicago life who could give her sound advice. Instead, she brought in people who knew nothing about our city and put them in key positions like Police Superintendent David Brown who is from Dallas.
I seriously think Looney Lori is in need of some mental health services. In all fairness it’s been a tough couple of years for her with a pandemic nobody saw coming and the social justice calls after George Floyd’s murder. Oh, I got it, perhaps she can get checked at one of those city mental health centers she vowed to reopen after her predecessor Rahm Emanuel closed six of them. You know the ones she promised to reopen when she was running for office and then conveniently forgot about, which is a shame because actually the city lost an additional clinic since she has become mayor.
But this latest dustup with the CTU has got to be the last straw. Because she wants to be the bully in charge and she lacks common sense, Looney Lori has now caused CPS pupils to miss three days of school, all because she reneged on a promise to put schools in remote learning mode if COVID-19 numbers went past a certain threshold, which they did. When the CTU called her out on it, Looney Lori did what she always does, called a press conference and started wagging her finger and talking tough while blaming the CTU for the latest school stoppage. No Looney Lori this is on you. YOU are the common denominator in all of these instances. Locking the teachers out of their classrooms and even their virtual classrooms is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen a politician do. Suburban school districts have gone remote, so have some private schools in the city and even many of the universities in Chicago.
Talk about the ultimate hypocrite, Lightfoot doesn’t even have her own child in a CPS school. Is the private school her daughter is attending currently in remote curriculum due to the spike in COVID cases? Yet Looney Lori presses on about how the city’s children need to be inside schools that might be petri dishes for COVID.
Chicago emergency dispatcher Keith Thornton spoke the truth about Lightfoot in a video he made and posted to Facebook on Christmas eve that went viral. https://www.facebook.com/KATTJR/videos/274234451354849 Thornton, a native of Chicago, spoke to Lightfoot with the same vibe and energy she gives to others.
“I'm tired of you because you're an absolute disgrace to everyone within the city,” Thornton said.
I’m tired of her ass too bruh. Time for her to join Colliton and Nagy.