Thank You to Illinois Law Enforcement for Keeping Chicago Safe

A protestor gives a thumbs-up to a Chicago Police officer during DNC protests last week in Chicago. Photo by Chicago Police Department

Praise for law enforcement is rare in the media. Praise from Black media is almost nonexistent. That said, I want to personally thank the Chicago Police Department, Illinois State Police, Cook County Sherrif’s Office, U.S. Coast Guard and every federal agency along with the Illinois National Guard that kept Chicago safe during the recent Democratic National Convention. Their professionalism showed what law enforcement can be in this country.

Like most people, I was skeptical if we could host such an event without major chaos due to the political and social climate in the United States. While I prepared for my worst nightmare, that Chicago itself would be attacked by some political radicals or racist element in our society and that I myself along with other citizens would have to engage in a fight to protect our city, law enforcement handled it. With only a few dozen arrests of those who just wanted to be stuck on stupid, Chicago held its own.

Not only should law enforcement be praised, but Chicago itself came out a winner. Countless people who had never been to Chicago before are singing the city’s praises on social media. They are impressed with our beautiful skyline, food scene, things to do, and most importantly, the people. It is the Chicago I grew up in and the one I will always love. We have our issues with crime, political corruption, public schools and other areas synonymous with big-city living. But Chicago can endure and most importantly prosper with proper leadership and a commitment from the citizens that call the metro area home.

Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling (right) is presented with a flag from U.S. Capitol Police Director J. Thomas Manger on August 24. Photo courtesy of Chicago Police Department. 

Superintendent Larry Snelling proved to me that he is the right person to head the Chicago Police Department. His media briefings were classy, straight-forward and full of information. I give him praise because he seemed to understand who were legit media members and who were people masquerading as press to try and sow seeds of discontent amongst the masses. Their efforts to try and replicate the 1968 convention never materialized and they left frustrated and embarrassed. Just as the convention itself turned out to be a winner, Chicago as a whole won. A much-needed win for a city that has been in the crosshairs of people and organizations who are un-American at the least, and a violent cancer for humanity at worst.

To the female officers, who had to endure the insults and disrespect from people claimed to be protestors for human rights, you have nothing but respect from me. To the Black and Latino officers, who are stuck between a rock and a hard place being a part of the “Blue Line” and part of their own communities, you did well and deserve praise.

The U.S. Capitol Police also recognized the success of Chicago’s law enforcement community. On Aug. 24 they presented Supt. Snelling with a flag that flew over the U.S. Capitol. CPD also took the time to actually thank the demonstrators who worked with law enforcement so their 1st Amendment rights to a peaceful protest could be exercised.

It was indeed a win for everyone.


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